Monthly Archives: May 2012

Urban Etiquette Project

Just found this on a blog, glad to see that other people are contemplating similar issues!

Toronto Urban Etiquette Project  (Yay T.O!)

Grand Central Station

Notice how many people are looking down, some at maps, many at mobile phones.

( Pics taken by me April 2012)

Checked Out in Times Square

Taken by me  in Times Square, April 2012

iPhone App for Texting While Walking

Problem or solution?

Coming Soon: iPhone app for texting while talking to another human being.

Antisocial Effects of Social Media


Image by Brecht Vandenbroucke

Alone, Together.

NY Times Article by Sherry Turkle ‘The Flight from Conversation.’

“There we are so busy communicating that we often don’t have time to talk to one another about what really matters.”